'battle of asal uttar - largest tank battle since world war ii'
'battle of asal uttar - largest tank battle since world war ii'

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They did not fire until the Pakistanis were at point blank range.Īlthough the Pakistani Patton tanks would have been able to defeat the Indian Shermans if the tanks had been further apart, the Pattons did not have an advantage at such close range. The Indian tanks were arranged in a U-shape and were spaced about 550 yards (500 meters) apart. Meanwhile, three armored Indian regiments lay hidden in fields of tall sugarcane. During the advance, there was no infantry support. The Pakistanis had not performed any reconnaissance beforehand. On September 10, after days of intense fighting, Pakistani tanks of the 1st Armored Division advanced toward an Indian artillery barrage.

The Pakistanis has about 300 M47 Pattons and M24 Chaffees.

'battle of asal uttar - largest tank battle since world war ii'