Download assassin's creed freedom cry for free
Download assassin's creed freedom cry for free

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Adéwalé boards the slave ship and manages to save a few slaves from drowning before the ship capsizes with the rest. Adéwalé ignores her, but is horrified when he witnesses a frigate fire on an unarmed slave ship to prevent the slaves from joining the Maroons.

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Bastienne objects, as de Fayet will only harm those trapped in slavery further as punishment. Tensions begin to rise within the Maroons when Adéwalé plots further raids against the slave trade. Adéwalé successfully sabotages the expedition by substituting the illiterate slaves being used by the expedition for literate members of the Maroons. The local governor, Pierre de Fayet, plans a clandestine scientific expedition to measure the curvature of the earth and gather geographical data, which they intend to sell to the highest bidder with the promise of naval superiority. Whilst working for Bastienne, Adéwalé begins to uncover a conspiracy within the French provincial government ruling Port-au-Prince. Despite his obligations to the Brotherhood of Assassins, Adéwalé becomes sympathetic to their cause, and joins with the Maroons in hijacking a vessel, the Experto Crede, in order to interrupt the slave trade. Making his way into Port-au-Prince, he establishes that the Templars are working with Bastienne Josèphe, the proprietor of a local brothel and a sympathizer to the Maroons, a faction of freedom fighters made up of liberated slaves led by Augustin Dieufort. While attempting to intercept Templar activities in the Caribbean Sea, Adéwalé is shipwrecked off the coast of Haiti.

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